Mar 26, 2013 in Blog Articles

WORLD WATER DAYWorld Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. On the occasion of World Water Day on 22 March, celebrations and events took place worldwide. People all around the world took action to raise awareness on water issues and improve the management of our water resources. We at Filcon Filters did not do anything especially to highlight World Water Day but we do continue to advocate awareness of the need to conserve water… we continue to do much to educate as well as provide solutions to filtration problems.  We outsource the manufacture, to our design, a range of filtration equipment such as the DirtGobbla centrifugal separator, automatic back flushing strainers, purge and Y strainers and in-line basket strainers. In addition Filcon imports into South Africa a wide range of filtration products such as bags and cartridges, bag and cartridge housings, self cleaning filters, strainers etc from manufacturers in US, UK, Germany, Italy Spain, China and Taiwan.We pride ourselves in being able to have the expertise to offer clear solutions to whatever filtration problems you may have.