Sep 29, 2022 in Uncategorized

Are you aware that 28 September is World News Day, a global campaign to amplify the power and impact of fact based journalism?….you can reach the website by clicking this link: Filcon Filters is giving space to raising awareness to the fact that there is so much fake news, disinformation and lies being bandied about.  At a time when credible journalism has the power to save lives, build trust, and inform the public’s understanding of an increasingly complex and uncertain world, World News Day is a powerful reminder that journalism can be a force for good — a message that hundreds of global news organizations celebrate annually on this day.

Filcon Filters was established in Cape Town 22 years ago to have become one of southern Africa’s leading filtration companies. We are proud of our staff and the wide range of quality filtration products we distribute. Contact us at for a product list and someone to get in touch with you.