Sep 6, 2012 in Blog Articles

Argonide Corporation manufactures ultra-high efficiency water purification filters called NanoCeram which is an electropositive non woven pleated filter with an average 2 micron pore size…the active ingredient of the filter media is a nano alumina (AIOOH) fibre which is just 2 nanonmeters in diameter. The composite fibre is formed into a non-woven media by wet processing and the filter has a claimed (not validated) effective contaminant removal capability of 0.2 micron. The filter is very effective at filtering sub-micron particles at high flow rates…extremely efficient turbidity reduction and SDI values between 0.5 and 1.0 provide excellent feedwater quality. As part of a filtration system, this technology can reduce contaminants such as colloidal solids, organics, virus, endotoxins and trace pharmaceuticals.If the NanoCeram filter interests you, Argonide has launched a “no charge” sample programme to determine the efficacy and economic benefits of using their pleated filter cartridges in a variety of applications. All you have to do is contact info [at] filconfilters [dot] co [dot] za (Argonide’s South African agents)to discuss the specifics of your application to determine the viability of this innovative technology.In addition to distributing NanoCeram cartridges we have a wide range of other filter cartridges and bags. One of our specialities is the MaxFlo 6″ high flow pleated polypropylene or fibreglass cartridge taped or hardshell. Then too we have special designer bags such as sub micron absolute filter bags, activated carbon filter bags, oil adsorbent and water absorbent bags, and high temperature stainless steel wire mesh filter bags.