May 3, 2013 in Blog Articles

Sasol seeks to “….empower responsible water citizenship at all levels to ensure a water successful future for our beautiful country.”This is good news coming from the company which transfroms coal into oil with water as a major feedstock. The other major user of water and atmosphere polluter is Eskom which is currently building two of the biggest coal fired power stations in the world …the one at Kusile will use 26 million cubic meters of water annually (enough to fill over 10 000 Olympic swimming pools).Perhaps Eskom is also committed to saving water but it would need to do a lot more than build monster coal fired power stations. But what can small business do? We at Filcon Filters realise that the conservation and resuse of waste water is a growth industry but we need to do a lot more than manufacture and supply filtratiom equipment. We need to get involved at grass roots level to educate the public before South Africa faces major problems. Just one highveld drought could be the “wake-up” call needed but why wait? Where can small businesses start?