Jul 2, 2013 in Blog Articles

Both champagne and waste water treatment have something in common…bubbles. But bubbles have been around in the treatment of sewage for only 90 years compared to 320 years in Champage…and there the comparison ends.Put bubbles into sewage and look what you get…after lots of by bacteria and enzyme activity you end up with sewage sludge which you can see in the picture alongside.The drawback in using aerobic technology to treat waste water until now has been that mechanical areation systems consume a great deal of energy and have high maintenance costs. The solution has been the introduction of an innovative fine bubbles areation system using floating diffusers which can operate in municipal and industrial treatment facilities without a concrete basin. It is claimed that this new innovation can reduce energy consumption by up to 70 percent and maintenance costs by 80 percent when compared to other diffusion systems.For more information talk to us  Filcon Filters does more than manufacture and distribute filter equipment, we provide clear solutions for whatever problem you may have.