Jun 25, 2014 in Blog Articles

A recent report “Wasting Our Waterways” using data from 2012 Toxic Release Inventory of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  published by non-profit environmental protection organization Environment America has found that a staggering 94 million kilograms of toxic chemicals were released into U.S. waterways in 2012. The biggest offender was the state of Indiana which released 8 million kilograms by volume whereas Texas was the biggest offender when the volume of water was measured for toxicity.                                                          In a recent blog we pointed out that cocaine use in the UK is now so common that traces of the drug have contaminated the drinking water supply. In a study to assess the dangers from pharmaceutical compounds appearing in the water we drink, scientists discovered traces of cocaine after it had gone through intensive purification treatments.The effects of water pollution is evident with fish feminization (which causes males to develop characteristics of females and to decline in numbers) caused by increasing chemicals like natural human reproductive steroids, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, shampoos, and soaps making their way into waterways.Then there are contaminants such as Estrogen-related chemicals found in the water including bisphenyl A and phthalates associated with plastic, nonylphenols associated with detergents, and pesticides. Apparently most of the compounds came from products flushed down toilets and drains.How’s it all going to end?We at Filcon are experts in water filtration and we continue to monitor water pollution which seems to  reach new milestones every day. We supply filtration products from bag and cartridge filters to centrifugal separators, also filter presses as well as chemical generators for water treatment. Filcon Filters…for the clearest solutions.