Dec 19, 2012 in Blog Articles

“Fracking” is a dirty word…or it is if you are a tree hugger and not a shareholder in the company exploring for or extracting hydrocarbons. But there is a group of people who are only concerned with researching the microbes living in shale deposits  with the hope of learning how these microbes metabolise fracking fluids. One such research group at Ohio State University is hoping to develop a computer model which can predict fluid movement from shale formations to groundwater aquifers.  As Paula Mouser (assistant professor of civil, environmental and geodetic engineering), lead  author of the group, put it, “ the knowledge (gained) could open doors to new technology for improving gas extraction efficiency or for treating flowback fluids from these sites.” Another value of the study is the new knowledge it offers on how the microbes in fracking fluids compete and survive when the fluids are injected to the deep subsurface, as certain microbes could prove detrimental to oil and gas quality, or compromise well integrity. According to Paula Mouser “our goal is really to understand the physiology of the microbes and their biogeochemical role in the environment, to examine how industry practices influence subsurface microbial life and water quality.” So if Paula Mouser and her group can achieve the goals of 1) improving gas extraction efficiency, 2) improving oil and gas quality, and 3) improving water quality they will accomplish much to satisfy both the environmentalists and the capitalists. We at Filcon Filters are concerned about the environment and are doing what we can through the local manufacture of a range of filtration products (centrifugal separators, in line basket strainers, automatic back flushing strainers, purge strainers etc) as well as importing filter housings, bags and cartridges. In addition we have a partner in water treatment using electrocoagulation thereby dispensing with the use of chemicals.