Apr 3, 2013 in Blog Articles

Some time ago I wrote a piece on whether fracking can cause earthquakes https://filconfilters.co.za/blog/can-fracking-cause-earthquakes and concluded that even if it does, we in South Africa shouldn’t be too worried because the Karoo Basin is not a known seismic hotspot. Well, according to the latest Geology journal we ought to be worried  because the 5.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred near Prague, Okla., on Nov. 6, 2011, could also be the largest and most devastating ever linked to hydraulic fracturing. It destroyed 14 homes and injured two people and was felt all the way to Milwaukee, more than 800 miles from the site. And do you know that Oklahoma along with Arkansas, Texas, Ohio and Colorado is now seeing seismic activity when previously believed to be calm coinciding with the hosting of major oil and gas projects? According to data from Geology, the number of earthquakes in the middle parts of the United States has increased by 11 times compared to the number recorded 30 years ago. So once fracking gets underway in the Karoo Basin with coincidental increased seismic activity, we at Filcon would, of course, be powerless to intervene. But there is something we can and are doing, and that is to explore various processes to see what we can contribute to recycling the contaminated fracking water. When it comes to contaminants in suspension, we have back washing filters, centrifugal separators and bag filter housings to do their job. Filcon prides itself in offering clear solutions.